
AI-Ready Marketing Data: Get Powerful Campaign Insights with GenAI

October 23, 2023 webinars

Marketing data quality can make or break your AI project. Many projects eventually fail to bring their intended results if the governance and quality of your data are not in place. 


Content marketing powerhouse Andy Crestodina and Lauma Sīle, Account Manager at Accutics, share how to get your marketing data AI-ready and use GenAI for marketing insights that your analytics alone won’t give you.


Join this webinar to find out:

  • what is a good marketing data governance for AI
  • how to feed high-quality marketing data into your AI model 
  • how to prompt ChatGPT for full funnel campaign analysis
  • how to use ChatGPT for richer insights on campaign conversion rates, campaign timing metrics and more 


Expect a hands-on session with concrete and tried methods that you can start using immediately. 

James July 11, 2024 12:00 PM Delete

I would really love to guest post on your blog.”*”. aw8

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